Friday, September 5, 2008



1> Snort

a> install and configure snort.
b> configure snort to give binary output.

2> Barnyard

a> install and configure barnyard.
b> run two instences of barnyard to get output in local as well as remort machine.

3> Mysql

a> install and configure mysql.
b> install mysql on both local as well as remote machine.
c> configure remote mysql to get data from more than 1 machine.

4> Base

a> install and configure base on the remort machine.
b> configure it to generate report of data got from several machines.

5> RRD-Snort

a> install and configure rrd-snort.
b> configure rrd to generate graph of mysql-snort data.


To start witth install snort depending on the machine you are running.
1> tar -xvzf snort*.tar.gz
2> rpm -ivh snort*.rpm
3> *.deb

mkdir /var/log/snort  ----------> for snort to log snort.log files.

Configure snort.conf.
Edit these lines of your snort.conf file.

var HOME_NET (your ip)


# unified: Snort unified binary format alerting and logging

output alert_unified: filename snort.alert, limit 128
output log_unified: filename snort.log, limit 128

Starting snort.

snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -i eth0 -l /var/log/snort

-c -----> for snort to look into this configuration file.
-i -----> for snort to look into the packages comming from this intrphase.
-l ----> for snort to log the alert file into this dir.


To start with barnyard install barnyard .
Comile it either with mysql or get a pre compiled rpm or deb package(compiled with mysql).

1> tar -xvzf barnyard*.tar.gz

cp barnyard.conf to 2 places  ---------> to run 2 instences of barnyard.

Configure barnyard.conf.
Edit these lines in barnyard.conf file to give data to mysql on local machine

output alert_acid_db: mysql, sensor_id 1, database snort, server localhost, user root, password root
output log_acid_db: mysql, database snort, server localhost, user root, password root

Edit second barnyard.conf file to give data to mysql on remote machine.

output alert_acid_db: mysql, sensor_id 1, database snort, server remorthost, user root, password root
output log_acid_db: mysql, database snort, server remotehost, user root, password root

Starting barnyard.

barnyard -c /etc/snort/barnyard.conf -g /etc/snort/ -s /etc/snort/ -d /var/log/snort -f snort.log -w /var/log/snort/barnyard.waldo

-c -----> for barnyard to look into this configuration file.
-g -----> for barnyard to look into this file.
-s -----> for barnyard to look into this file.
-d -----> for barnyard to look into dir. for the alert files logged by snort.
-f -----> for barnyard to look for files with name starting with.
-w -----> for barnyard to log the temp. dta into the file.


Install mysql using apropriate package.

Configure mysql. (on both machines)

1> mysql -u root -p
2> create database snort;
3> grant all on snort.* to ***@***** identified by 'password'
4> quit;
zcat (make_mysql file) | mysql -u root -p snort
1> mysql -u root -p
2> use snort;
3> show tables;
4> quit;

you can make more than 1 database as required

1> either to get data in a single database from diff. machines.
2> or to get dat from diff. machines into diff. databases.


To make base working first install php, adodb, apache, libapache-mod-php, php-pear. php-mysql, php-gd, libphp-adodb.(look for compatible versions for your machine)

Install base using appropriate version.

Configure base_conf.php.

cp base_conf.php.dist base_conf.php

Edit these lines in your base_conf.php file.

$BASE_urlpath = '/base';  (path where apache server look for files  ex. ->http://localhost/base)

$DBlib_path = '/var/www/adodb5'; (path to adodb libraries)

$alert_dbname = 'snort';
$alert_host = 'localhost';
$alert_port = '';
$alert_user = 'mysql-snort-user';
$alert_password = 'mysql-snort-password';

Running base.

go to a browser----->

and type the ip of your system.

There after you can see diff. files to choose from---> click on the base.


To get rrd-snort working first install rrdtool.

Then get file.

always run rrd-snort in the dir where you want it to place the resulting graph.

run rrd-snort.

perl -H hostip -u (mysql-snort-user) -p(snort-user-password)                                                         

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