Wednesday, September 17, 2008


To start with one can follow some simple steps---------------->

1> get installation file of fedora-ds.
2> install fedora-ds.
3> configure fedora-ds.
4> buid schema file as required.
5> configure replication(as required).
6> add required tree structure to the fedora-ds database(i.e. nodes like addressbooks and groups).

All these points are in details in next lines----------------->

1> Get fedora-ds either by direct downloading or wget
It is recomended to download the compatible version from

2> Installing fedora-ds is like any other RPM package.
rpm -ivh fedora-ds-1.0.4-1.FC5.i386.opt.rpm
If you are planning to run console on the same machine on which the server is then you also have to install the java.
rpm -ivh jre-6u6-linux-i586.rpm

3> To configure fedora-ds run--->
before running this make a user for fedora-ds(this is to avoid giving root user as fedora-ds user).
On running this we have to give certain required specifications like domainname, fedora-ds user, admin login, manager login, suffix etc
if the setup succeds only then start-admin will apear in dir(/opt/fedora-ds/)
And if fails the possible reason may be wrong specification sgiven at the time of setup.
At the end of the configuration it will give you command to run console.
to run it first--->
cd /opt/fedora-ds
that command------>(./startconsole -u root -a no.)/)

4> To buid schema file one should have sufficient knoledge of fedora-ds or the simple way is to do this via console.
Go to the console click directory server ----> config ----> schemas ----> first buid atributes then object classes.
the additions you make can be seen in the form of ldif file /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-(yourdomain)/config/schema/99user.ldif

5> As per replication is considered this can be done only via console.
To do this go to the directory server config ----> replication ----> first activate replication here ----> now select the suffix you wan tto replicate --->
now configure its replication requirements like binddn(i.e. the dn which have sufficient previlleges to access the database) , replication type(master-consumer/multi-master) etc
After that build the replication agreements of that suffix by doing right click on the suffix under replication.
On agreement has to buid for each machine with which you want it to replicate it's data.

6> This step is as per requirement of your organization andit can b edone by both commandline using ldap-utils(ldapadd, ldapmodify etc) or through console.


In this installation some OS specific dependencies may occur that can be solved by installing some helping-utils which you can reffer from link given billow


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